Going From fat to fit

Nobody likes being fat. People are ready to spend millions in order to lose weight and get the figure they desire. Being fat is a curse that many people cannot do away with, despite all their multiple attempts to reduce weight. Today, there are a number of methods that people try out in their quest for the perfect figure. Different kinds of special diets and tailor made exercises are all there on offer to people who are looking to lose weight. However, despite following strict diet regimes and working out long hours at the gym people sometimes are disappointed with the results. They may not be satisfying enough. The weight loss may not be in the areas they desire or the diets and exercise regimes may be too difficult to follow. Under these circumstances, the best choice they can go for is bariatric surgeries gastric bypass operasjon which are a popular choice for people these days.
These days there is a lot of medical tourism going on in the world. Unlike olden days people today are more and more conscious about their health and looks, and are willing to spend more and also take more efforts to get the result that they want. For this they are even prepared to go to other countries and get the desired medical counselling and intervention. One such country offering medical tourism for gastric bypass operasjon is Riga in Latvia. People from many other countries are visiting Riga for medical treatments, especially for weight loss related surgeries. On account of the special packages offered there are a number of Norwegians today getting their obesity related surgeries done in Latvia with satisfying results.
Sometimes dieting and exercising cannot help some persons to control their weight and they have to resort to treatments like surgeries. The National Institute of Health under the recommendations of a specialised panel of experts has set a specific body mass index as the current standard to consider surgical treatment. Body Mass Index is calculated as body weight in kilograms divided by the square of height in metres. This result is expressed in kilograms per square metre. Healthy adults have a BMI ranging between 18.5 to 24.9. A Body Mass Index of more than 30 is considered as obese and one less than 18.5 is underweight. The consensus panel of National Institutes of Health recommends bariatric surgery, including gastric bypass surgery to people whose BMI is 40 or higher and also to people whose BMI is 35 or higher accompanied by one or more co morbid situations. In these cases there is no option, but to go for the recommended surgeries. Gastric bypass surgery is one of the four types of surgeries for morbid obesity and it is performed in a much specialised way at competitive rates to Norwegian patients in Riga. Riga in Latvia has indeed exceptional medical tourism benefits to offer.